Investing in yourself is the best thing to do with a budget of 1000$ and believe me, this is the most basic thing you need to know right now!
So what’s the good answer: If you have a $1000 and you want to invest in yourself?
Well, you can invest in coaching, mentoring, in learning a skill, etc. You should invest in developing the skills that you need, which will help you make more money in the future.
Now, Some of you maybe thinking.. "Ahhh it's the same old B.S. course thing!". That's where you are getting it all wrong. I mean with a 1000$ and without any skills what you are going to do .. you are not going to far my friend.
If you have a skill then, you need 0$ to start making money. That's how simple it is! You need a skill that you can provide others or use it for yourself.
Being brutally honest with you! we are doing the same thing. We are providing our service to you and we are making money while doing it. But, this won't be possible if we didn't have the skill or knowledge that we have right now.
You can start reading more books in the financial niche such as 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. You can find a good mentor and take his course and learn something. You can take up steps to take care of your health and stay healthy.
Take action and start investing and improving yourself! Here are some simple but effective ideas to invest in yourself.